Lynn B. Harris(PhD) has worked as a maritime historian and underwater archaeologist for over 30 years in South Africa, Namibia, Costa Rica, North and South Carolina. Areas of specialization include the south eastern US seaboard, the Atlantic World and coastal cultural resource management. Currently Harris is an Associate Professor at the Program of Maritime Studies in the History Department at East Carolina University. She led the recent project “Maritime Heritage at Risk” funded through a National Preservation Training and Technology Grant (2017-2019). Harris is author of the book Patroons and Periaguas: Enslaved Watermen of the South Carolina Lowcountry, and editor of a compiled volume Seaports and Sea Power: African Maritime Landscapes. Journal articles, amongst others, includes one titled, “The Special Signal Services (SSS) Women and the Native Military Corps: Operators and Guards at the WWII Secret Radar Station of the Western Cape, South Africa”. She has several awards for fieldwork photography from the Society for Historical Archaeology and recently served as a consultant for National Geographic Documentary “Drain the Oceans” on slave ship history and underwater archaeology. Harris teaches several courses including Shipwreck Archaeology and Maritime Heritage of the North Carolina Outer Banks.